197 lines
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197 lines
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* satellite-js v5.0.0
* (c) 2013 Shashwat Kandadai and UCSC
* https://github.com/shashwatak/satellite-js
* License: MIT
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.days2mdhms = days2mdhms;
exports.invjday = invjday;
exports.jday = jday;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* procedure days2mdhms
* this procedure converts the day of the year, days, to the equivalent month
* day, hour, minute and second.
* algorithm : set up array for the number of days per month
* find leap year - use 1900 because 2000 is a leap year
* loop through a temp value while the value is < the days
* perform int conversions to the correct day and month
* convert remainder into h m s using type conversions
* author : david vallado 719-573-2600 1 mar 2001
* inputs description range / units
* year - year 1900 .. 2100
* days - julian day of the year 0.0 .. 366.0
* outputs :
* mon - month 1 .. 12
* day - day 1 .. 28,29,30,31
* hr - hour 0 .. 23
* min - minute 0 .. 59
* sec - second 0.0 .. 59.999
* locals :
* dayofyr - day of year
* temp - temporary extended values
* inttemp - temporary int value
* i - index
* lmonth[12] - int array containing the number of days per month
* coupling :
* none.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function days2mdhms(year, days) {
var lmonth = [31, year % 4 === 0 ? 29 : 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
var dayofyr = Math.floor(days);
// ----------------- find month and day of month ----------------
var i = 1;
var inttemp = 0;
while (dayofyr > inttemp + lmonth[i - 1] && i < 12) {
inttemp += lmonth[i - 1];
i += 1;
var mon = i;
var day = dayofyr - inttemp;
// ----------------- find hours minutes and seconds -------------
var temp = (days - dayofyr) * 24.0;
var hr = Math.floor(temp);
temp = (temp - hr) * 60.0;
var minute = Math.floor(temp);
var sec = (temp - minute) * 60.0;
return {
mon: mon,
day: day,
hr: hr,
minute: minute,
sec: sec
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* procedure jday
* this procedure finds the julian date given the year, month, day, and time.
* the julian date is defined by each elapsed day since noon, jan 1, 4713 bc.
* algorithm : calculate the answer in one step for efficiency
* author : david vallado 719-573-2600 1 mar 2001
* inputs description range / units
* year - year 1900 .. 2100
* mon - month 1 .. 12
* day - day 1 .. 28,29,30,31
* hr - universal time hour 0 .. 23
* min - universal time min 0 .. 59
* sec - universal time sec 0.0 .. 59.999
* outputs :
* jd - julian date days from 4713 bc
* locals :
* none.
* coupling :
* none.
* references :
* vallado 2007, 189, alg 14, ex 3-14
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function jdayInternal(year, mon, day, hr, minute, sec) {
var msec = arguments.length > 6 && arguments[6] !== undefined ? arguments[6] : 0;
return 367.0 * year - Math.floor(7 * (year + Math.floor((mon + 9) / 12.0)) * 0.25) + Math.floor(275 * mon / 9.0) + day + 1721013.5 + ((msec / 60000 + sec / 60.0 + minute) / 60.0 + hr) / 24.0 // ut in days
// # - 0.5*sgn(100.0*year + mon - 190002.5) + 0.5;
function jday(year, mon, day, hr, minute, sec, msec) {
if (year instanceof Date) {
var date = year;
return jdayInternal(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth() + 1,
// Note, this function requires months in range 1-12.
date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds(), date.getUTCMilliseconds());
return jdayInternal(year, mon, day, hr, minute, sec, msec);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* procedure invjday
* this procedure finds the year, month, day, hour, minute and second
* given the julian date. tu can be ut1, tdt, tdb, etc.
* algorithm : set up starting values
* find leap year - use 1900 because 2000 is a leap year
* find the elapsed days through the year in a loop
* call routine to find each individual value
* author : david vallado 719-573-2600 1 mar 2001
* inputs description range / units
* jd - julian date days from 4713 bc
* outputs :
* year - year 1900 .. 2100
* mon - month 1 .. 12
* day - day 1 .. 28,29,30,31
* hr - hour 0 .. 23
* min - minute 0 .. 59
* sec - second 0.0 .. 59.999
* locals :
* days - day of year plus fractional
* portion of a day days
* tu - julian centuries from 0 h
* jan 0, 1900
* temp - temporary double values
* leapyrs - number of leap years from 1900
* coupling :
* days2mdhms - finds month, day, hour, minute and second given days and year
* references :
* vallado 2007, 208, alg 22, ex 3-13
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function invjday(jd, asArray) {
// --------------- find year and days of the year -
var temp = jd - 2415019.5;
var tu = temp / 365.25;
var year = 1900 + Math.floor(tu);
var leapyrs = Math.floor((year - 1901) * 0.25);
// optional nudge by 8.64x10-7 sec to get even outputs
var days = temp - ((year - 1900) * 365.0 + leapyrs) + 0.00000000001;
// ------------ check for case of beginning of a year -----------
if (days < 1.0) {
year -= 1;
leapyrs = Math.floor((year - 1901) * 0.25);
days = temp - ((year - 1900) * 365.0 + leapyrs);
// ----------------- find remaing data -------------------------
var mdhms = days2mdhms(year, days);
var mon = mdhms.mon,
day = mdhms.day,
hr = mdhms.hr,
minute = mdhms.minute;
var sec = mdhms.sec - 0.00000086400;
if (asArray) {
return [year, mon, day, hr, minute, Math.floor(sec)];
return new Date(Date.UTC(year, mon - 1, day, hr, minute, Math.floor(sec)));
} |